Do you have an inside studio?
I do not have an inside studio set-up at this time. We use nature as our backdrop. So, the possibilities for locations are almost endless...within a reasonable driving distance and arranged with the photographer ahead of time.
What is the session fee?
There are different levels of session fees.
Child or tween session is $30.00.
Family session (up to four) is $30.00. There is a small charge per person over four.
Senior session prices vary according to what the senior chooses. For up to 2 locations, the cost is $50.00. For 3+ locations (total number discussed with the photographer), the cost is $75.00. The cost for a double session (two different days) is $100.00, which would include multiple locations. All senior sessions include time for clothing changes.
What should I bring to my photo session?
Bring along your session fee.
Families, children, and tweens: bring everybody well rested. Those being photographed will be more ready and willing if they are well rested and well fed.
High school seniors: bring along anything you may want to have in your photo. Bring along things that describe you. It may be a musical instrument, sporting equipment, your class ring, cheerleading or pom gear, uniforms, a special jacket, hat, or pair of sunglasses. It is always better to have too much with you than to regret leaving something at home. Bring along a willingness to have fun!
What should I wear?
Families, children, and tweens: wear clothing that is comfortable. Your photographs will reflect that comfort. Many families coordinate their clothing wearing tan slacks or jeans keeping their tops/shirts in the same color palette, ie. browns, blues, greens, etc.
High school seniors: wear clothing that is comfortable. Try to avoid trendy sayings or brand names across the front. Wide rugby-type stripped shirts are also not very flattering as the wide horizontal stripes tend to widen the slimmest of figures. Remember, you are going to probably look best in your favorite outfit...which is why it is your favorite! If you have doubts about something, bring it along. We can talk through some of your choices as we go.
How long will the session take?
Families, children, and tweens: the session could take up to an hour. Some of that will depend on the cooperation of children and tweens. The goal is not to rush through a session. My goal is to capture the personalities of those being photographed. So, sometimes it is necessary to take some time to help make children, especially younger children, comfortable with being photographed.
High school seniors: your session could take a few hours, depending on how many locations are chosen as well as how many times clothing is changed. Again, my goal is not to rush through your session. My goal is to capture you, being you...not being rushed. This session time is about you and my goal is to take the time necessary to capture just that.